In Mexico and numerous other Latin American nations, Santa Clause isn’t as famous as he is in the United States.

The colors, festivities and fun should not be missed out on, so if you can visit Puerto Rico around Christmas, make sure that you stay a few extra days and make the most of this wonderfully festive time of year. The celebrations enjoyed in Puerto Rico continue pretty-much non-stop for two weeks as islanders celebrate each passing night in a different way. Shops have ceramic wise men, complete with camels that move a little closer to the manager scene with each passing day. In fact, the Dia de los Reyes party is the next big event on the calendar after Christmas, so a lot of planning goes into it to make sure it is a success. Their celebrations start straight after Christmas and continue until Three Kings Day in early January. Young adults, on the other hand, get ready to enjoy night upon night of revelries and fun. Apparently the tradition is much older than that of Santa’s visit on Christmas Eve and much of the proceedings are celebrated across the globe in a similar fashion. If he was bad, he will only find a lump of dirt or charcoal.

If the child is good, he wakes up the next morning to find candies, sweets or toys in his box. This is a gesture of good will and is supposed to be used to feed the king’s horses while they rest as their owners make deliveries. According to popular culture, the youths place a box filled with straw, grass or hay under their beds. For young Puerto Ricans it is perhaps the most exciting and important day of the year, since it is on this day that they receive their presents. The first is believed to have arrived by horse, the second by camel, and the third by elephant and they brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh respectively. According to Latin culture, January 6th saw three different men visiting Jesus – Melchor (representing Europe), Gaspar (representing Arabia) and Balthazar (representing Africa). It celebrates the gospel account relating to the visit of the three magi – or in this case kings – to the baby Jesus. Three Kings Day, also known as El Dia de los Reyes in Spanish and Epiphany in other countries, is a long held Latin American tradition. Instead, the parties continue almost non-stop all the way until January 6th when Three Kings Day draws the festivities to a close. Puerto Rico does celebrate Christmas, but unlike with most European countries, their festivities don’t end on December 25. While other countries are gearing up for Christmas, most Puerto Ricans are probably looking forward to Three Kings Day.